
How to set up Power Automate workflow


A) Flow starts when SharePoint item is created or modified

1. Flow should have SharePoint trigger When an item is created or modified:
2. Open page SharePoint List Setup Card of the List Setup, where you plan to add the workflow.
3. Open page SharePoint List Workflow (Navigate / List Workflow) and create a new workflow.
4. Fill in required fields on the page SharePoint Workflow Setup Card:
Important fields are the following:
5. Run action Deploy Group/Update List On SP on the SharePoint List Setup Card to create new columns on SharePoint. Then release the List Setup.
6. Start the workflow:
a) Manually from the page with implemented NavSherpa controls. Click Process and click Advanced WorkFlow and select from the list of available workflows.
b) Automatically from code with StartWorkflow function.
7. Monitor the workflow progress:
a) Manually from the page with implemented NavSherpa controls, see WorkFlow Status factbox.
b) Automatically from the code with IsWorkflowApproved or IsAllWorkflowsApproved functions.

B) Flow is called directly from NAV

1. Flow should have SharePoint trigger When a HTTP request is received:
2. Create a new SharePoint Site Setup Card. Name and url does not matter (it can be anything), but the Site Setup must have Anonymous authorization (if you are running C/AL NavSherpa in BC140 or lower please use By logged in authorization here):
3. Create a new SharePoint List Setup Card with List Type Flow and use Site Setup created in step 2 as SP Site Setup Code:
Important fields are the following:
5. Open page SharePoint List Setup Card of the List Setup, where you plan to add the workflow.
6. Open page SharePoint List Workflow (Navigate / List Workflow) and create a new workflow.
7. Fill in required fields on the page SharePoint Workflow Setup Card:
Important fields are the following:
8. Run action Deploy Group/Update List On SP on the SharePoint List Setup Card to create new columns on SharePoint. Then release the List Setup.
9. Start the workflow:
a) Manually from the page with implemented NavSherpa controls. Click Process and click Advanced WorkFlow and select from the list of available workflows.
b) Automatically from code with StartWorkflow function.
10. Monitor the workflow progress:
a) Manually from the page with implemented NavSherpa controls, see WorkFlow Status factbox.
b) Automatically from code with IsWorkflowApproved or IsAllWorkflowsApproved functions.