This function adds a new document/file to the SmartTree.
"AttachmentPosition" - Specifies the position by GETPOSITION in SharePointDocumentMapping table.
"_SharePointListSetupCode" - Specifies the SharePoint library setup. The maximum number of characters is 20.
"_SharePointCTName" - Specifies the content type internal name.
"_FilePath" - Specifies the path to the file. The maximum number of characters is 250.
"_Record" - Specifies the record.
"_FileIsOnClientSide" - Specifies if the file is on a client or a server machine.
"_CopyFileToTempFolder" - Specifies if the file will be copied as a temp file on server or if it will be used as a file on shared folder.
"_DeleteOriginalFile" - If set to true, NavSherpa will delete original file after it was uploaded to SharePoint.
"_DefaultAction" - Specifies default action for file.
Default - It uses default action when a user drops a file to a SmartTree.
Send - File is added with action Send. It can force actions such as not approved or error.
Replace - File is added with action Replace. It can force actions such as not approved or error. Replace action automatically replaces a file for a new file version if the file exists on SharePoint
SkipExisting - If file exists on SharePoint this option skips an upload for this file.
"_ShowMessages" - Specifies if some messages like success report will be shown to the user during the process.