Specifies the default content type. When the program sends a record to SharePoint, the program searches for which content type to send. If the program finds more than one content type, the program will use the content type that has been set as Default, otherwise user will have to choose the correct content type.
Specifies the Parent Site Setup Code which contains the parent content type to be used when creating new content types. This is used only with the Update to SP command.
Specifies if to automatically replacement files. If a file has the same name as an existing file, the existing file will be overwritten by the newest file version with the same name.
Specifies the "SharePoint List Setup" to be used as the destination when data is copied. This can be used for documents.
A "Sales Order" is posted and a "Posted Sales Invoice" is created. The "Sales Order" is deleted and the relation is lost. If a list on SharePoint is used as sales document and needs to maintain a relation after posting, a copy function is used to transfer the mapping from the "Sales Order" to the "Posted Sales Invoice". More information on how to use retain relations is available via How to implement NavSherpa functions to Events.