Specifies the value or field name. If Fields Mapping (FastTab)/Field ID is filled in , the program retrieves the field caption for this value and this field becomes non-editable. If Fields Mapping (FastTab)/Field ID is "0", this field remains editable. The user can specify a fixed value or use text variables. More information about text variables is available in Text variables.
Specifies whether this mapping applies to new records only.
The program should set the value of a field "Inserted By" on a SharePoint list. The field value is filled with "USERID". If a user updates the record, the program cannot send value again as the current user ID would overwrite the field "Inserted By", thereby corrupting the fields meaning.
Specifies the field type. The program retrieves this value automatically from SharePoint, but the user can change this type manually.
Standard - A standard field without extended functionality.
Lookup- The field is related to another SharePoint list field. The field value is not a static value, but it a record ID reference. SharePoint converts the record ID, and displays a value as defined by settings.
SP User - The field value relates to a user.
WF Status - The field value is of a "Workflow Status" type.
Navigate - The field is used as a relation to another table and SharePoint list. Navsherpa creates navigation records and they are displayed on related tables.
Specifies whether to create a lookup record. This field can only be set for fields with Fields Mapping (FastTab)/Field Type= "Lookup". When this field is set, the program attempts to retrieve a record from the SharePoint list as specified in Fields Mapping (FastTab)/Lookup SharePoint List Title. If the record is not found, the program attempts to send the required record to the lookup SharePoint list. Create Lookup Record "protects" lookup fields from having empty values.
Specifies the site setup code. This field can only be set for fields with Fields Mapping (FastTab)/Field Type= "Lookup" and "Navigate". When this field is empty, the program create lookups to sites as set in General (FastTab)/SP Site Setup Code. If the field is filled in, the program will create lookups to site as set in this field.
A lookup field is related to another site where there is list of customers (such as a master customer list). This site must have a SharePoint Site Setup Card code set as "Site Setup Code".
Specifies the Related Table ID. The program retrieves value from the field settings, but the user can change this value. Related Table ID is filled in if the field value is related to another table (Foreign Key). More information is available in Ribbon/Relation Filter.
Field "Company No." in table "Contact" is related to table "Contact" field "No.". "Related Table ID" will be "5050" (Table "Contact").
Field "Sell-To Customer No." in table "Sales Header" on page "Sales Order" is related to table "Customer" field "No.". "Related Table ID" will be "18" (Table "Customer").
Indicated the related table name. The program retrieves this value automatically based on the field Fields Mapping (FastTab)/Related Table ID. This field is not editable.
Specifies the Relation Field ID which is used as source for field Fields Mapping (FastTab)/Field ID value. This field is also used as a filter for the related table. More information is available in Ribbon/Relation Filter.
Field "Company No." in table "Contact" is related to table "Contact" field "No.". "Related Field ID" will be "1" (Field "No.").
Field "Sell-To Customer No." in table "Sales Header" on page "Sales Order" is related to table "Customer" field "No.". "Related Field ID" will be "1" (Field "No.").
Indicates the Relation Field Name. The program retrieves this value automatically based on the field Fields Mapping (FastTab)/Related Field ID. This field is not editable.
Specifies the Navigate Group Name. This field can only be set for fields with Fields Mapping (FastTab)/Field Type= "Navigate". Navigate records are, by default, linked unfiltered with a table. If "Navigate Group Name" is set, they are linked only to records within the group.
"Navigate Group Name" is empty. Navigation created from "Purchase Header" will be displayed on "Vendor Card" as count of "Purchase Header" documents.
"Navigate Group Name" has the value "Invoice". Navigation created from "Purchase Header" will be displayed on the "Vendor Card" as a count of documents of type "Invoice".
Specifies the destination site on SharePoint where a new field will be created. This field is used when the program creates or updates a list on SharePoint where Fields Mapping (FastTab)/Create Field on is equal to "Site".