Unblock zip file or unblock all files. Some operation systems (for example Windows 10) might need to unblock files which are downloaded from the Internet. Unblock zip file and after that extract files again. It is fastest way how to unblock all NavSherpa files.
Open „File Explorer“ in Windows.
Choose zip file with NavSherpa files.
Open „Properties“ on zip file.
Check „Unblock“ or use button „Unblock“ it depends on Windows version.
Confirm change by „OK“ button.
Unzip zip file to the folder.
Locate the ".app" file. From a NavSherpa bundle, this will be located in the "Extensions" folder. Select the appropriate file based on your Business Central version, eg. NAVISYS s.r.o._NavSherpa_OnPrem_ww.xx.yy.zz.app(ww = Main BC version [eg. 15], xx= NavSherpa version [eg. 0], yy=NavSherpa build, zz=NavSherpa hotfix)
Open the Business Central Administration Shell as administrator.
Enter the following command to publish the extensions to the Business Central. (Note: You will need to replace values surrounded with <> with an appropriate value.)
Enter the following command to synchronize the schema changes from the application. (Note: You will need to replace values surrounded with <> with an appropriate value. If a tenant is not specified, the action will be applied to all tenants.)
Enter the following command to install the extensions in the Business Central. (Note: You will need to replace values surrounded with <> with an appropriate value. If a tenant is not specified, the action will be applied to all tenants.)
If you want to test a demo project in NavSherpa, you need to install the NavSherpa Demo extension. Repeat steps 3 through 7 to install. Select NAVISYS s.r.o._NavSherpa - Demo_OnPrem_ww.xx.yy.zz.app file in step 3 and 5. Change application name to “NavSherpa - Demo” in step 6 and 7.